
Elite Boys’ Prep School Soccer


At Northwood School, 男孩足球运动员可以在几个不同的层面上参与这项运动. We offer an elite boys’ soccer team, and in partnership with the Black Rock Football Club, 我们也有东北地区第一个住宿足球学院.


如果你正在寻找一所高中足球学院,或者如果你只是想在新英格兰预科学校玩休闲足球, we have the right program for your needs. 看看为什么很多人认为我们是美国最好的足球高中.



Comprehensive Support for Student-Athletes


澳门金沙app下载,我们不会让学生在成为一名成功的足球运动员和一名成功的学生之间做出选择, we know both are possible, and to nurture our student-athletes, 我们在足球场上和课堂上为他们提供全面的支持.


虽然我们的精英男子足球项目只存在了几个赛季, we have already finished #2 in the nation, 我们期待看到我们的男队赢得更多的荣誉. In addition to their success on the field, 我们的球员也享受到高质量的大学预科寄宿学校环境的好处.



Year-Round Training for Boys’ Soccer Players


许多寄宿学校将足球项目限制在一个赛季, 但我们更愿意给我们的男孩足球运动员高中足球学院的经验. 本着这种精神,我们为优秀的男孩足球运动员提供全年的训练和比赛.


Benefits of our programs include the following:


  • Periodization training model which involves planned, 系统地改变训练变量和强度,以最大限度地提高与比赛时间表同步的表现
  • 使用最先进的室内和室外训练设施
  • 校内专职运动教练和力量调节教练
  • Leadership training
  • 具有全球服务组件的足球交流计划
  • College placement mentoring
  • 与国际足联注册代理协商代表和/或专业俱乐部试训



Residential Soccer Academy


In collaboration with the Black Rock Football Club, 我们主办东北地区的第一个住宿足球学院或足球寄宿学校. When players are chosen for the Black Rock program, they attend Northwood School, live on our diverse campus, 并在8月至6月的整个学年期间每天进行培训.


2021 BRFC Residential Academies 12.8.21


我们的许多住校足球运动员都去了大学或俱乐部踢球, 并有潜力追求职业足球生涯.



Competitive Prep School Soccer


对于我们的精英男子足球队来说,我们把一年分为两个季节:秋季和冬季/春季. In the fall, 我们的男子足球队与当地最好的预科学校以及其他寄宿学校和高中比赛.


Then, in the winter and spring, 当我们面对国内和国际顶级俱乐部球队时,竞争变得更加激烈. 我们也和隶属于职业球队(如费城联盟)的青训队比赛, the New York Red Bulls, and the New York Football Club.



Exposure to Soccer Recruiters


In addition to our competitive boys’ soccer schedule, 我们也会去达拉斯和拉斯维加斯等地进行展示,以优化我们的球员在大学和专业招聘人员面前的曝光率. Often hosting over 200 college coaches, these events tend to be very successful for our players, and at a recent event in Las Vegas, two of our players were offered D1 college scholarships.



Team-Centered Approach


无论澳门金沙app下载是他们足球生涯的最后一站还是起点, our players all benefit from our team-centered approach. 在团队中打球有助于学生运动员提高他们的沟通技巧, increase their self-esteem, practice discipline, learn to control their emotions, and develop leadership skills.


With players from 19 different countries, 澳门金沙app下载的球队也是新英格兰预科学校中最多样化的球队之一, 这种程度的多元文化进一步提升了我们运动员的个人和运动体验.


In our elite soccer program, 我们专注于团队建设活动,以提高我们的球员在场上的合作以及他们在场外的沟通方式.



Northwood School Boys’ Soccer Coaches


男子足球项目的教练致力于个人球员和球队的整体发展. They bring decades of experience to the program, and under their leadership, the Northwood Boys’ Soccer Team has thrived.


Jon Moodey, Program Director
Founder of former CEO of the Black Rock Football Club, 穆迪教练有超过20年的足球教练经验, and as the head coach at Berkshire School, 他在短短11年里赢得了三次全国预备赛冠军. 在澳门金沙app下载的第一年,他带领球队获得了全国第二名.



Kelvin Martinez, Head Coach

In addition to working with the boys’ soccer team, Coach Martinex plays multiple roles at the school, 担任多元文化事务和招聘主任以及西班牙语教师. Originally from Honduras, Coach Martinez has been playing soccer most of his life, and he has coached at other New England prep schools.




A Successful Soccer Experience at Northwood School




  • Being an engaged member of the team
  • A growth-based (I can do it!) mindset
  • 坚定地致力于发展运动能力和提高足球技巧
  • 在团队、小组和个人层面上同样努力地训练
  • 与品格竞争,永远优雅地获胜,永远不做输不起的人
  • 在球场上和生活中的其他挑战中培养韧性
  • Delighting in the simple joys of the world’s game



Join One of the Best Soccer Schools in the USA


如果你的孩子渴望在大学或专业级别踢足球, they need the demanding schedule, year-round training, elite competition, 还能接触到我们精英足球项目的招聘人员. 我们的男子足球队和国内最好的几支球队比赛, and although many teams come from larger schools, 我们迎接挑战,并经常超越他们的比赛质量.


无论你是想参加这项运动的最高水平,还是只想提高技能, our soccer program has a place for you. At Northwood School, 我们致力于帮助学生发展健康的思想和身体, 我们有一个活跃的学生团体,他们不仅喜欢运动,还喜欢阿迪朗达克公园周围山区的所有活动.


准备好澳门金沙app下载澳门金沙app下载的精英男子足球项目或谈论参加澳门金沙app下载的其他优势了吗? Then, contact us today. 我们期待您的学生成为我们优秀的体育和学术大家庭的一员.